We appreciate all the referrals from so many wonderful providers in our area! If you are looking to refer a patient to our office, please see below!
In order to ensure the best outcomes, we require that all patients are working with a team of providers who can evaluate, treat, and support proper function from start to finish. For infants, this means a feeding specialist (IBCLC, CLC, SLP), as well as manual therapists (chiropractor, craniosacral therapist, occupational therapist, etc.) when indicated.​
It is critical that all members of the provider team, as well as the patient/parents are on the same page throughout the release process. Therefore, we ask for the other providers to send us their notes prior to the patient's consultation and/or release appointment. Notes sent directly from the patient/parents may not be sufficient, as we do need to ensure that the other providers don't have other information that may not be on online/emailed notes.
To facilitate this process, we have created online forms that should be filled out only by the other providers, not the patient/parents. Providers are welcome to email us their notes if they prefer, but this form may be easier for others.
Or click HERE to send an email with referral notes.